Geoffrey - William Booth Client

Jun 3, 2024

Geoffrey, a Navy veteran living abroad in Japan, required multiple medical procedures performed at a VA Hospital stateside. He was brought to Seattle to receive free medical care and separated from his loving wife and grown children for many months.


William Booth Center became Geoffrey’s Seattle home during his stay, compassionately providing him with transitional housing – a safe space to go –eliminating the worries of finding lodging, paying rent, or not having a private space to recuperate before, during, and after each procedure he underwent. Rather than being unhoused and alone, Geoffrey found shelter, safety, case management, community, friendships, and overwhelming support.


Coming to America temporarily with no resources at all, The Salvation Army William Booth Center saved Geoffrey’s life. Our veteran hospital-to-housing program provided Geoffrey with a private room, support with his many medical appointments, meals, food stamps, rides to and from the hospital, and so much more – especially peace of mind – during his lengthy healing process.

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